I hope you guys enjoyed my totally real schedule for the next 60 years, but Andrew Rowe really beat me this April Fools' Day.
I've already linked it on my Facebook, but I'm putting another link here. It must be shared. https://andrewkrowe.wordpress.com/2019/04/01/an-announcement -Will
Black March
4/4/2019 04:27:03 pm
That troll took so much effort on his part lol, I have never put that much effort into anything much less a prank JK
4/4/2019 06:51:26 pm
Awesome..I aspire to be this dedicated to a joke. Not gonna lie I was a little upset when I realised it was finished. More please!
4/4/2019 07:24:19 pm
Honestly my favorite part about this is that he didn't even try giving the Sword Sage a believable name. "I knew your master well Yerin Aurelius... Tim was a good friend".
Adrien Agreste
4/4/2019 10:49:11 pm
The amount of effort he put in is what really sold the joke. I knew it was an april fools joke when I read about him giving up being a professional writer, but as I spent 15 minutes reading I began to grow more and more convinced.
4/4/2019 11:11:25 pm
He'll be Tim to me forever now though. This was an amazing prank and just the amount of effort he put into it, the length of it was just a work of art.
4/4/2019 11:41:53 pm
Can you do a death match between a super Saiyan and a monarch of your choice? Andrew could help... You know it could be an excuse to delay elder empire again 😉
4/5/2019 12:48:09 am
I'll always prefer the books you publish under your Will pen name, but your comedy under your Andrew pen name is top notch. Thanks for everything you do for us Brandon.
4/5/2019 06:40:38 am
Am I the only guy that a dislikes Goku? Hes a terrible father and spends his time training, abandoning his wife. If all his kids didnt come out 1/2 sayin, id suspect foul play.Weird.
4/5/2019 11:59:31 am
That was hilarious :D
4/5/2019 10:05:04 pm
That was wonderful to read and I am so glad both that Rowe is as much a fan of the cradle series as we are and that you acknowledged the work that went into that hilarity. The respect and awesomeness of the writing community is my to be underestimateed. Also I know that this is a long shot and that it will probably never happen but if you make Tim the sword sage cannon just for the joke that only a few of the really dedicated fans will get them that wouldd be great on every level
4/5/2019 10:07:22 pm
Also I would like to apologize for the lack of commas and otherwise poor grammar and spelling in my post. Turns out typing internet comments on a kindle at 11:05 at night is a bad idea. Who knew?
Cool Person
4/6/2019 06:41:00 am
me thinks that good idea!
Cool Person
4/6/2019 06:38:59 am
Im amazed by just how much effort he put into a prank. He definitly wins the award for best april fools prank Ive ever seen, especially with tim.
Sword Immortal Darknorth
4/6/2019 11:34:27 pm
Looking at those comments, it seems like there will always be somebody who falls for the april fools day prank.
Scott Nichols
4/7/2019 01:08:01 am
Well now we know what Monarch the Sage of the Endless Sword battled without dying lol. (Said event was previously mentioned in the Abidan Archives by Will). Vegetason Trunks, Path of the Half Blood Saiyan. His path is a familial inheritance similar to the Aurelius in that its power cannot be gained through external forces, only as a genetic inheritance. He achieved gold not by the absorption of a remnant but by the accumulation of power. This path is a difficult one to train because it requires its user to put themselves at great physical risk during training, the closer to death the user gets the greater the benefit that is seen. The madra types involved in this path are relatively unknown because of the scarcity of users and the lack of research done on previously stated users though it is assumed to be some combination of force, wind and light madra since the primary striker techniques witnessed are variably sized energy beams that exude various colored lights, also the enforcement technique wraps the body in various colors and allows for flight. No ruler technique is currently known. The gold sign...(well come on, that one's too obvious)... for the Path of of the Half Blood Saiyan appears to be the hair, though it is not always visible, when it is it changes the users hair from its normal state to a spiky golden mass similar to that of the Path of the Stellar Spear
4/7/2019 06:40:01 am
Nothing Andrew Rowe ever does could hold a candle to you. I hope the Cradle schedule is somewhat accurate because I’m excited for August.
Cool Person
4/8/2019 01:32:14 pm
will wight was good, but you have to admit that andrew put WAY more effort into his prank than wills. even will admits it.
4/8/2019 05:35:13 pm
4/9/2019 01:30:23 pm
4/10/2019 11:00:35 am
Will's has the potential to be a LOT more devious though. Since it's a schedule, it allows for him to extend the joke by keeping to it for the first few entries. Leave a Reply. |
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