EDIT: This post was written in the future tense, but it is already July 4th!
Check out the FREE books here on my Amazon page! Enjoy! This coming Thursday, July 4th, will be Independence Day here in the United States, and we're celebrating Freedom Day this year with free books! All of my individual ebooks will be free on July 4th. All of them. So if there's anyone you'd like to hurl a book at, force them to visit Amazon on July 4th from 12:01 AM (Amazon time, which means Pacific) all the way to 11:59 PM. Instead of fireworks and barbecue and time with friends, celebrate with time alone reading ebooks! What fun! The audiobooks and paperbacks won't be free (sorry--I don't control audio pricing and paperbacks actually cost something to print), but all the ebooks will be! The ONLY titles on my page that won't be free on July 4th will be Cradle Foundation and The Traveler's Gate Trilogy Collection. Because those are collections, and the individual books contained within them will be free. So just...get the books separately if you don't already have them. They're free. If there's a book of mine you don't own for whatever ludicrous, unbelievable reason, now's* the time to pick it up for absolutely nothing and join the bookstravaganza. The Bookening. Bookmageddon. -Will *(Actually not now, unless you're reading this on Thursday, July 4th, 2019, in which case yes now.)
6/30/2019 04:25:57 pm
Sounds great! Too bad I already have all your books...
6/30/2019 05:15:23 pm
How did your writing go…?
The Nag
6/30/2019 05:17:15 pm
They say third time pays for all, so here I go again.
6/30/2019 09:17:01 pm
So you'll be releasing a new book July 3rd right? Otherwise this is meaningless as I already own everything.:P
Will Wong
6/30/2019 10:13:08 pm
I thought about the naming project and decided if you are the good guy and you are Will Wight then the bad guy is Will Wong. Do you know the difference between Wight and Wong?
7/1/2019 11:34:24 am
Will Wight delivers to us amazing books and characters and Will Wong takes said characters and writes unspeakably bad fanfiction?
6/30/2019 10:21:22 pm
Will... thank you so much! That’s an incredibly gracious and generous way to celebrate the founding of our country! If Eithan were to see such an example, he would crawl into a hole somewhere and starve himself to death for shame at how short he falls compared to you!
6/30/2019 10:31:02 pm
A prime example of humanity's finest. I'm sure you'll be selected when aliens/ robots take over and want to preserve a sample of our once mighty species.
Grand Alien Emperor
7/2/2019 02:43:13 pm
He seems like a prime specimen. We'll take him.
Cool Person
7/13/2019 05:17:27 pm
Dammit, Grand Alien Emperor! I knew you should never had told him that. we're now all doomed to a life of eternal boredom.
Your Robot Overlord
7/29/2019 08:10:42 am
We have not passed judgement yet, we require more samples be submitted.
Bill Redflame
6/30/2019 10:32:10 pm
I hear this as a request to go buy the possibly two books that Will has written that I skipped (pirate side of Elder Empire). Purchased now to make sure Will receives the monies. Though I promise to inform nonWillOwning Heathens of the gracious July 4th gift.
Gabriel layman
7/1/2019 12:43:07 am
Instead of getting the books free i'm gonna go buy the two darkness books, which are the only books of wills I don't t have in some form or another.
Joshua MacDowall
7/1/2019 02:00:37 am
I was literally just about to buy all your books in the Cradle series. I can get them free through KU, but I like to support authors and series that I really love. And I love the Cradle series - I don't think I can state that enough....but..free books.../sigh....decisions, decisions. I'll be with alot of people for the 4th, I'll see if I can send em your way. Your books really are amazing. They've made it to my top list with Dakota Krout, Brandon Sanderson, and just a few others for epic fantasy epicness.
7/1/2019 07:17:01 am
I'd gladly pay for your books all over again. Indie writers in particular need reader support. Keep writing & I'll gladly keep paying to read your stories.
Shady Upvote Dealer
7/1/2019 08:13:55 am
Time to make more Amazon accounts.
7/1/2019 10:18:12 am
Wait so does that mean you can get all the books for free or just one. Also I'm going to spam a lot of people I know with your books. But also I think would make a very great anime because I don't think a movie or show could show all the magic and battles.
7/1/2019 11:37:02 am
Any ETA on the next cradle book? I am still hoping for August 1st. Also, I for one vote to publish the book as soon as it is ready even if the audiobook isn't ready at the same time. I will purchase that whenever it becomes available too.
7/1/2019 09:20:23 pm
I am hoping for August 1st too Will, Don’t be a Wong.
7/10/2019 07:18:35 am
Looking at the intervals between the recent Cradle books, probably early 2020. No way can it be 1st August as WW is working on OKAK ATM.
7/2/2019 12:13:55 am
Does this include amazon.co.uk?
7/2/2019 05:27:06 am
Wow, this is a huge deal. Can you afford to do this as an author? I will be taking this opportunity to get my nieces and nephews hooked on the Cradle series. Thank you!
7/2/2019 10:22:57 am
Dude not only are you an amazing author, but you are a boss for doing this. All hail Will Wight.
Cool Persons Evil Clone. (MWAHAHAHAHAH)
7/2/2019 11:24:43 am
Log Entry 14:
Kura Alice
7/2/2019 11:26:56 am
I can't believe Ozriel has the guts to do that. Ex-Abidan sometimes, am I right Southstrider?
7/2/2019 11:28:09 am
Ha!! Tell me about it. One time he started petting my dog without asking if it was friendly. The nerve of this character!
7/9/2019 12:57:16 pm
He even ate Or this without permission. Arrogant Abidans,amirite?
Cool Person
7/13/2019 05:19:34 pm
Shut up joe
7/2/2019 11:31:56 am
But I want to pay for the books...
Awesome sauce
7/2/2019 09:35:37 pm
Awesome sauce
Cool Person
7/13/2019 05:20:09 pm
My thoughts exactly.
7/3/2019 01:59:31 pm
Already told my brothers and friends about this, awesome.
7/3/2019 09:04:02 pm
Just like all of the other drug dealers in the neighborhood, the first one is free and then you are addicted. I am so addicted, I went back and reread them hoping a new one would come out before I finished, no such luck
7/4/2019 02:59:36 am
Damn, I bought all your books already lol. Worth! I really loved reading your books when I was having a stressful time at work.
7/4/2019 05:37:32 am
Thank you!
Andy Adams
7/4/2019 08:57:58 am
Thank you Will! You rock!! I have read all your books and intend to support your Kickstarter. I'm obsessive about owning all of your books in hard copy as well. Having the ebooks for free is a total bonus. I've already read them and will reread them in the years to come. Happy 4th to you and ypur family!
7/12/2019 08:59:10 am
*Gasps* He's back from the cruise!
James cameron
7/5/2019 01:58:31 am
Unless you’re in the UK :(
7/5/2019 07:28:18 am
Well, I got my free ebook. Thanks so much, Will!
7/6/2019 12:12:05 pm
I just reread underlord and now I think I'm going into withdrawal from cradle books. I NEED UNCROWNED. PLEASE FINISH ALREADY.
7/8/2019 05:18:17 am
Oh boy it was NOT a good idea to binge Cradle after July 4th, my brain is melting. In the best possible way, but still melting. I blame you good sir. I need Uncrowned asap but August 1st is far away nice to give my brain time to stop melting. Less than a month away. Right? Right?
7/15/2019 12:19:19 pm
Confirmation of Uncrowned on August 1st. It is now official : )
7/8/2019 05:30:42 am
See, brain melted so much I didn't even spot the grammar error I made. Nice.
Aithan aurelius
7/11/2019 05:45:07 pm
Can eithan secretly be a monarch everyone saw his power in the battle between longhook,and pure !aura is the best Madra for veils how else would be possess ozriels marble in the aurelius home land where everybody would see it due to their bloodline senses also be defeated 2 underscores without breaking a sweat he regularly infiltrates the royal palace as is suggested by sayaes\ov sis\ senses the of should be able to detect him this means he must at least be an archlord or more possibly a sage
7/13/2019 05:48:58 am
That is a splendid theory and I am now suspicious.
Cool Person
7/13/2019 05:22:08 pm
I am now suspicious that all punctuation marks are slowly being removed from this world.
7/12/2019 06:37:11 pm
I also realized something. These are.not individual stories.this is supposed to be one story in multiple chapters. I should have realized this sooner but I didn't. When I read them all in a row I couldn't stop. It was too addictive . So yeah
7/13/2019 05:50:00 am
Agreed. Does your brain feel like it's melting? Mine still is.
7/13/2019 10:19:30 am
Yeah it feels like its melting.
7/13/2019 05:18:28 pm
I can say I'm a og fan. I've been here since unsouled guys. Now I can flex on all you new fans.
Dave Grazoli
7/15/2019 02:40:17 pm
So bummed I missed this amazing generous offer.
7/15/2019 04:13:54 pm
That's tough man.
7/18/2019 06:41:04 am
I'm so diasppointed I missed out on this! I just recently discovered/heard about the cradle series and want to read them! I'll have to buy it once I finish the books I have from my local library
Also Andy (another one)
7/29/2019 08:23:34 am
Honestly, it is well worth the purchase price. The Cradle series stands up to rereading (one of my metrics when reading books), I am on reread 3 in less then 2 years.
8/10/2019 12:47:06 pm
Your nefarious scheme worked. You have a new addict (*twitch* *twitch*) and now I am waiting, eager to buy the next books.
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