Irma passed me by with only some superficial damage to my home, and I've been neck-deep* in Skysworn!
It was an...immersive experience. This is always the point in the process where gradual procrastination catches up to me, and then I have to work a bunch of long days in a row until the words satrt to loko wreid. Still on track for October 1st! The only thing that could delay me at this point is if the beta readers agree it needs significant rewrites. Which has never happened before, I just always feel the need to say it in case it happens this time. -Will *Maybe deeper.
Eddie Munster
9/24/2017 12:44:05 am
Glad you and yours are okay from Dear Old Mother Nature,
9/24/2017 02:41:20 am
Cradle is life.
9/24/2017 07:03:40 pm
Cradle is Love
9/26/2017 11:15:18 am
9/28/2017 08:21:08 am
I agree
Glad to hear you’re okay :)
9/24/2017 01:00:09 am
As above
Sean K
9/24/2017 03:22:46 am
Glad you are okay! Super excited for Skysworn!!!!
Sean K
9/24/2017 03:23:58 am
Also, Calling it now, the new quote "...and really, the whole thing was just a metaphor for love." is from Eithan!
a guy that answers stupid questions
9/25/2017 12:25:33 pm
the sword sage died because heaven's glory poisoned his food and stabbed him with poisoned knives.
9/25/2017 12:56:02 pm
Knives shouldn't have been able to penetrate his flesh in the first place. The poisons shouldn't have been strong enough to kill him either. He was supposedly at least an ArchLord. Ethan is an Underlord that can survive a drop from a huge cliff with nothing but bruising.
9/25/2017 09:53:06 pm
Will has said in the past, on this blog, that there is more to it than the poison and ambush. In-story, Eithan has indicated that that wouldn't be enough.
stephen eric sorensen
9/27/2017 10:22:33 am
I'm really glad this is getting talked about and that there is more to the situation. That really really bothered me. I'm wondering if it has something to do with yerin's unwelcome guest.
9/24/2017 06:08:46 am
Will, does Skysworn contain 'less' training/fighting scenes than Blackflame?
9/24/2017 07:55:49 am
Well he has to have scenes for when Lindon learns his Pure madra techniques. Whether that happens in this specific book. Only Will can tell you.
9/24/2017 08:30:39 am
I know, hence me asking: " 'less' training/fighting scenes", not: are there 'any' such scenes
9/24/2017 06:53:20 am
Hurrah for minimal storm damage! Hope the roof leak (I think that's what you mentioned) looked worse than it was, and was an easy fix.
9/24/2017 07:44:23 am
9/24/2017 07:59:29 am
Can we get a little something... like not just a line but also not like a chapter. But something to sink our teeth in... besides the beta readers who would dare make you change something to delay the book. Sorry im not me when im hungry for a book.
9/29/2017 01:36:43 pm
Oh oops
9/29/2017 01:37:25 pm
Nikk B
9/24/2017 08:47:04 am
I so want to read it now! But if it isn't good then I'll be upset! But.. I'm upset now since I can't read it! But I want the full experience! But.. But... CRYOGENIC SLEEP TIME!
Harry Potter
9/24/2017 09:37:20 am
Can we pre order the book?
9/24/2017 04:23:33 pm
I second this thought. Although Will's publishing decisions probably shouldn't be based on my absent-mindedness. That being said, there's a solid chance I'll forget to go to the Kindle store on October 1. Newsletter blast in lieu of pre-order?
9/24/2017 05:20:51 pm
He releases the books on the first so he gets more sales a month, and the pre orders classify it as a purchase for that month. If he gets a lot of purchases more people see the book and buy it. It's a scheme that tortures us readers...
I tried pre-orders once. Once.
Guy how set up the discord
9/24/2017 11:33:17 am
You gonna join?
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/24/2017 12:31:22 pm
Greetings Will Wight. I have returned from my little jaunt into the caverns of the Webspawn and have successfully sealed their queen deep beneath the crust. I had originally thought that she would not awaken anytime soon, but it turns out that you foolish mortals have reduced the air quality to a point where the queen no longer slept peacefully. Now I just need to track down the rogue mage that released those empowered storm elementals in the Atlantic, since clearly he did NOT file the proper forms for Experimenting with Magic Capable of Causing Natural Disasters. Had he filed his EMCCND forms properly then I would have been able to set up the safeguards necessary to prevent the magic from getting out of hand. Why can't you mortals just get along and clean up after yourselves? It would make my punishment in your worlds so much more bearable. I already have to bring you all back up to the level of your Atlantean ancestors. Your just making my job harder by messing up your world.
9/24/2017 03:24:36 pm
When Lindon sees a random eyeball roll across the floor it's going to be hilarious.
9/24/2017 05:22:34 pm
I think a bunch of sacred racoons would be the funniest thing Will could do. I would laugh so hard!
9/24/2017 08:09:18 pm
That would be funny to
9/25/2017 09:10:39 am
Thank god he's still alive. If he weren't, I would have wasted hundreds of lifeblood shards trying to get you to revive him
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/25/2017 10:37:41 am
I offer resurrections at reasonable rates ranging from a year of service for the resurrection of pets to 1/3rd of ones soul for full resurrection of a sentient mortal. Unfortunately I had to agree to an arrangement roughly 2000 years ago to only resurrect people if their death wasn't widely known. The process takes about 3 days, but my mastery over the powers of Life and Death make the ritual 99% side effect free. the only change is that some people have reported a fondness for graveyards after the procedure.
9/25/2017 09:33:18 am
To my comrade Kurt Ambrose, necromancer supreme, I have located the whereabouts of the feather of frost. If you want it, it is currently protected by an angry swarm of water phoenixes and frost dragons on Drorestea, the planet. Beware though, the lead dragon has spent years enhancing himself with frostwave shards stolen from the other mages that have died there. I am assuming that they are drawn by the large magical presence of the feather, please investigate further. I hope you are successful in retrieving it, as you are one of the most powerful battle mages that I know
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/25/2017 10:44:20 am
You know I just might go looking for this Feather of Frost. Not because such an artifact really interests me, but because I am in need of a new pet after my last one got mutated into a Lamb-Man hybrid at Dragoncon last year. This enhanced dragon will serve as a suitable pet once I resurrect it as a Frost Draco-Lich. Hopefully this one will last longer than my previous pets, but I'm going to keep it away from large population centers anyways. Wouldn't want what happened at Carthage to repeat itself.
Eloxe the gifted
9/25/2017 11:41:54 am
Excuse me Mr.Ambrose I was looking for a mentor as I am gifted in magic I was wondering if you had any recommendations for me it would be greatly appreciated
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/25/2017 03:59:28 pm
While I do know of several schools and even a few people who love taking on talented disciples, most of them were from by days as a student in the Elysium Magitorium. If you can advance your powers to the point where you can sense the pathways between worlds and then navigate to Elysium, then perhaps they may consider taking you on as an intern for a year or two. Also if you do make it there, don't mention my name at all. I'm a bit infamous there because of my senior year prank.
Minalin the Magelord
9/26/2017 05:14:18 pm
The Magocracy is a collection of weak minded fools! They squander the power of irionite that could easily be used to create a better world. But nooooo, they gotta wage petty warfare with it...
Path of Stellar Spirit
9/24/2017 06:06:19 pm
Good job. Really looking forward to this book. Good to hear from you again.
9/25/2017 01:40:21 am
His "amount" complete shows how far Lindon has progressed.
a mad bookworm on the path of reading
9/25/2017 01:57:58 am
Although i really like the way you think of the progress bar, im quite sure you are mistaken. Before Will announced Skysworn, the progress bar for blackflame was still online, stating "truegold" aswell. ( i think. i might be mistaken)
9/25/2017 12:17:27 pm
I'm kinda hoping we can skip a fight between Lindon and Jai Long and have one between Lindon and Jai Daishou instead...
9/25/2017 04:26:37 pm
According to Blackflame, Jai Daishou won't live another month. Which is totally understandable since HE DIED and came back to life
Jeremiah (The original)
9/25/2017 07:07:12 am
So... OKAK...! News?
Odakar Dralak, Master of chaos
9/25/2017 09:31:03 am
To my comrade Kurt Ambrose, necromancer supreme, I have located the whereabouts of the feather of frost. If you want it, it is currently protected by an angry swarm of water phoenixes and frost dragons on Drorestea, the planet. Beware though, the lead dragon has spent years enhancing himself with frostwave shards stolen from the other mages that have died there. I am assuming that they are drawn by the large magical presence of the feather, please investigate further.
Ajax, Dreamer, Guardian of Worlds, God-shard.
9/25/2017 10:13:00 am
Certain world's are not recommended for travel to people of a certain level, younglings. Drorestea has a world-despoiler dwelling within. Tearing the world fabric constantly could lead to it awakening. They can't die. I've shoved one into a black-hole and the hole broke. Chaos empowers them, death is an inconvenience. Pretty useful for plugging those things though. They regenerate a few years after. It is located far from the protection of those nice newer gods, what was their name again?. I'm currently searching for a method of complete elimination. I suggest not utilizing powerful magics on the planet. I have seen my first warning un-heeded.
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/25/2017 10:54:06 am
Well, this new information just makes me want to go even more. World-Despoiler's make for excellent experimental subjects and pets. It would violate my agreement with the Dean of the Elysium Magitorium to bring a volatile entity capable of destroying worlds onto a planet filled with mortals.
Ajax, Dreamer, Guardian of Worlds, Godshards.
9/25/2017 11:23:05 am
I admit that was one of my more eccentric tries. I have a theory it isn't Chaos-aligned. Shoving order-aligned energy to counter-balance it didn't work, nor any sort of energy I have gotten a hold of. Beware the hubris of power. Taming Godbeast Entities 410, those lessons are excellent, but there are always things that are unexplained. Sometimes Despoilers let you leash them to learn from you. You bind something that changes its very substance of magic and that around it. It may work for years, but you have to constantly make sure they function the same every day, sometimes every hour. It's like leashing a dog with a collar, then hoping the collar holds when it transforms into a slime. I've seen one actually transform into an Order-aligned beast for a few hours. Very strange considering most of it's forms are Chaos aligned. Right now I believe they are something alien to both Order and Chaos, perhaps even spies to the Great Evil. A word of caution, they exist outside fate.
9/25/2017 11:57:46 am
Hey Ajax, if it's chaos related, I would have been able to sense it. I can assure you that it is not. I recommend erasing the planet from existence, well, if you have that kind of power of course. But please, allow the feather of frost to be retrieved from the planet, it could be of enough use to forge a weapon, or Kurt here could make some monstrosity out of it, like he usually does.
Ajax. Dreamer, Guardian of Worlds, God-shard
9/25/2017 12:19:32 pm
I can, but it goes against my crusade to protect the worlds from the upcoming Great War, billions of years into the future. Every world is a precious resource and can forge new warriors to fight in the crusade. Even chaotic worlds possess that potential. I have seen it. One day we shall all unite and I look to nurture warriors for this regardless of alignment. To awaken my fellow God-shards to fulfill our true purpose and to let all creations achieve their true potential.
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/25/2017 04:18:45 pm
While it is true that beings who can change the very nature of the world around them and the nature of their own existences tend to be difficult to bind with standard rituals, its not like I haven't developed rituals of my own after graduation.
Ajax, Dreamer, Guardian of Worlds, God-shard.
9/27/2017 10:43:23 am
There are many things of fate that people don't know. Who originally made it? Where does it end? Why can it be changed? Why does it not read Chaos?
9/28/2017 10:05:03 am
Garbagiel the Raccoon
9/25/2017 11:09:07 am
Oathbringer chapters being released AND Skysworn launching in a week? What have we done to deserve such gifts!?
9/25/2017 08:55:29 pm
I simply assumed somebody must have sacrificed something extremely valuable. Either that, or we're going to have to make some sort of group payment later on...
9/25/2017 09:58:52 pm
Oatbringer? What is that? A book about horses?
The Savage Cabbage
9/27/2017 08:15:53 am
It is the latest book in Brandon Sanderson's Words of Radiance Series
nvm ;)
9/29/2017 01:31:44 am
Also The Core by Peter V. Brett is lunching next week :)))
Zach Shadefury, ravager of the empty void
9/25/2017 12:51:07 pm
I just came from the planet of Dothoth, in the dimension of lost time, and man they have this really good bar there. It's called the timeless shack, located next to Paudiara, magical institute. I recommend this cafe to any necromancers/gods/mages. The best drink there in my opinion is the winged flower. The winged flower comes with a miniature bird, perhaps animated by necromancy. Go there!
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/25/2017 04:24:51 pm
I will try this drink, but sadly most drinks pale in comparison to wine made from chaos-grapes grown in the Garden of Eden, especially when they are watered with the blood of my enemies. It results in an exquisite flavor that constantly alters itself to become more and more delightful. Mortals have been known to kill themselves after taking a whiff of the stuff. Only those who have transcended mortal flesh and understand that all pleasures are ultimately meaningless beyond the weight we give them can enjoy it peacefully.
9/26/2017 06:44:58 am
hmm yes, I have heard about this wine before, sadly, I do not have the power level to drink it, I train day after day so one day I can hope to have a taste.
Larry the janitor
9/25/2017 07:10:23 pm
Oh come on, I just finished cleaning up after the raccoon infestation, now I've gotta deal with hordes of WIZARDS!?
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/25/2017 08:23:42 pm
Foolish mortal, I am no mere wizard. I am the master of the powers of Life and Death, Lord of Rituals, Master of the Dead, and the undisputed Prank King of the Elysium Magitoium!
9/25/2017 08:58:46 pm
No worries. Everyone needs a Ragnarok every once in a while. Keeps things fresh.
9/26/2017 07:05:35 am
Elysium Magitoium, I remember my days back there, I am surprised I hadn't recognised your name sooner! When I was there, Undead still sprung from the walls. Of course, that was one of your lesser pranks. A few centuries of power stored in such simple constructs, Kurt, you suck at pranks. I think I outdone you with the portal to the nether in front of the dean's office.
Woeful Larry
9/26/2017 09:49:47 pm
Y'know, at least the Raccoons ate all of their trash before they left.......
9/26/2017 06:47:59 am
Hey kurt, have anything to sacrifice? I ran out of goats last year, and tried to take this guy's goat at dragoncon this year, he was probably some kind of necromancer, but he beat me half to death!
9/26/2017 11:29:20 am
I think you will find the most premium of goats, are found at Mt. Eros not only are they good sacrifice material, but they make good material for clothes.
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/26/2017 11:33:16 am
For my daily rituals I use fruit flies that have been fed a magically enhanced hummus. They grow ludicrously fast and before you know it you have hundreds of thousands of fist sized flies that you can easily sacrifice to power any rituals you want. Whoever that was that you encountered is lucky that they didn't bring a sheep, otherwise it may have been snatched by the man-lamb hybrid that I left at dragoncon last year. I wonder if it has the lifespan of a sheep or a human? It would be annoying to avoid going to dragoncon for the next 80 or so years. I could check, but i don't feel like observing my former pet too closely.
9/26/2017 12:39:39 pm
please, tell me what your infamous "prank" was, the teachers forbid anyone of speaking it nowadays, and I hear they even expel students for doing so!
Francis Maybury, The Accidental Arch-Lich
9/27/2017 04:22:53 am
Kurt, you wouldn't happen to have any spare zombies shambling around that I could borrow would you?
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/27/2017 08:55:24 am
Francis Maybury, you have made a rookie mistake. ALWAYS have more than one way to get into your lair and out of it, preferably in such a way that exits can't be used as entrances and vice-versa. That way you can avoid misguided "Heroes" who try to lay traps for you on the way to/from you lair and you can surprise anyone who awaits you inside your lair. Besides, standard undead are horribly inefficient at anything but menial grunt work like invading cities and plaguing the countryside. What you need to do is hire a Geomancer or learn to summon and bind an earth elemental or two. I would offer to help out, necromancer to necromancer, but I'm currently busy chasing down that idiot who released all those torn elementals in the Atlantic. I swear the paperwork I'm going to have to fill out for not stopping a magically created natural disaster is going to be hideous. I plan on taking my frustration out on this rogue mage by turning him into my undead paperwork assistant.
Ajax, Dreamer, Guardian of Worlds, God-Shard.
9/27/2017 10:33:58 am
*Encrypted Dream Sending. True name scan achieved.
Path of Blackflame
9/26/2017 03:31:04 pm
just one more week
9/27/2017 02:17:26 am
Yeah! Good to hear that you're still on track. Best birthday present ever :-)
Path of Golden Bridge to Land of Oz
9/27/2017 05:18:56 pm
Happy Birthday
10/1/2017 01:17:22 am
Thanks! And it's finally here *happydance* :D 9/27/2017 11:16:10 am
Many of you mortals have requested information regarding the legendary prank I pulled in my college days and the reason as to why I have been consigned to the mortal worlds currently. After filing the proper paperwork I have been given clearance to make known the might of my pranking skills. Further information will be made public as the paperwork to declassify those events goes through. Higher beings dislike paperwork, so it is unknown how long exactly this will take for me to be able to inform you further on certain historical events.
9/28/2017 10:21:09 am
How do I bind the soul a firebreathing dragonbeast's head to an enchanted sword forged by Professor Subhuiti of the Elysium Magitorium? I'm not really sure If I have to resurrect it to harness it's soul, but the stupid creature's core won't let me access it's power. I'm not sure what kind of enchantment he used, but I can't seem to merge the power core with the sword. The sword does not have a power source of it's own, so I don't see why it would reject it. In theory, it should make a flaming sword if it actually works.
9/28/2017 11:46:20 am
did you just refer to me as a "mortal"? I'll have you know that I graduated Elysium Magitoium with top grades in battle summoning and absolute distruction! I am almost on the same level as you!
9/28/2017 01:16:28 pm
Thats a joke. With my true power I can stand toe to toe with the Dean himself! Besides, you aren't even mighty enough to consume Chaos-Grape wine, how can you compare with someone like me?
9/29/2017 06:05:05 am
I probably can! I've trained for 3 years, last time I went, i almost died.
9/28/2017 12:24:36 pm
Elysium Magitoium? You puny weaklings... Lidvisi Aegailnis is the most powerful school! You're all so focused on pranks and stupid stuff. We totally creamed your school last year at the competitions !
Kurt Ambrose, Necromancer Supreme
9/28/2017 01:21:46 pm
Those competitions are wholly impractical and the situations never come up in reality, at least not often enough to be used as a true test of skills. I mean how often does one need to create a white-hole black-hole loop within 15 minutes? Its not useful for storage and is wholly inefficient as an attack, and only barely passable as a containment device for chaotic beings.
Adarsh Venkatesh
9/28/2017 08:44:07 am
3 days can't wait. I wish that amazon released the books at exactly midnight but sadly they don't, at least not in my timezone.
Even a clock is right twice a day
9/28/2017 10:15:30 am
Impeccable timing! I randomly checked to see if it's out yet and lo and behold!!!! I love it. Just enough time to reread the series :)
9/28/2017 10:26:50 am
bLEEP yOU!!!
9/28/2017 08:42:39 pm
Has anyone wondered how Yerin or for that matter, most sacred artists with bizarre protrusion, sleep? Or do other things?
9/29/2017 05:52:00 am
Yes I have, it seems difficult to do that with "bizarre protrusions". I bet there will be a short phrase in SkySworn
9/29/2017 01:27:23 am
Has anyone else wondered if Yerin might actually be/have been the Dreadgod that attacks Sacred Valley in the future?
9/29/2017 01:34:26 am
* Apologies if Will has already answered this in a post somewhere that I missed!
9/29/2017 06:35:07 am
That is truly amazing a probably true plot theme that will now be changed as soon as Will sees this
9/29/2017 05:53:15 am
Oh my god you are a genius! This theory is amazing!!! It even makes sense also!
9/29/2017 09:09:34 am
I like it. i thought its going to be used like a remnant and will push her into another stage. Like lord to whatever, or from whatever to sage. I like your theory it has a lot of supportive evidence to come to that conclusion.
Brian S
9/29/2017 07:17:41 am
I'm pretty sure I've never actually seen a new book show up on a Sunday before. It'll be interesting to see whether or not anyone can buy it before Monday.
9/29/2017 09:06:56 am
Trust me, we have been waiting since september 1st. It is going to happen.
10/1/2017 10:41:13 pm
You even got more of the storm than you were supposed too, I'm glad you are fine. She took my power for a whole week and my internet for longer... read so many books
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