Ladies and gentlemen, we have crossed 20,000 sales.
As of yesterday morning, we passed the 20K mark. That's incredible! Thanks everyone for buying the books, leaving a review, telling your friends, and using your private jet to write my name in the clouds. You guys are the best! Also, thanks to those of you who sent me the typos from the first edition of Crimson Vault. I really do like receiving those, because the text isn't set in stone. I can fix these typos, and then future readers get a slightly cleaner draft. I still haven't cleared all the typos out, due to Dragon*Con, but I'm working on it. Beginning next week, I should have all your changes made. At that point, you should contact Amazon if you want the updated, cleaner file on your Kindle. In the meantime, I'm back from Dragon*Con, and I had a blast! I am now going to follow that up by taking some REAL time off, as--though Dragon*Con is unbelievably fun--it's not a great way to relax after writing a book. So this week I'm going to relax, play some League of Legends,
9/3/2013 04:03:25 am
Congratulations, Will!
9/3/2013 06:36:27 am
League of Legends is not relaxing. Unless of course, you play Gragas. There's just something so calming about throwing kegs at people. Very de-stressing.
9/10/2013 02:36:16 am
Or, you know, you play Karthus. And you just chill back at base, every once in a while hitting the R button.
9/3/2013 07:49:29 am
That is awesome! (But not at all surprising.) Congratulations!
9/10/2013 02:43:38 am
I thank you, Ailema, for your lack of surprise. Your faith in me brings a tear to my cold, dry eyes.
9/3/2013 12:32:45 pm
Relax!....what?...tssss.....fine.....Don't worry about cleaning up the draft, just get going on the next book....not getting any younger here....Congratulations on passing 20K...
Brian S
9/6/2013 10:14:54 am
Oh, I disagree. I can easily wait six months for a new book without becoming too distraught. Robert Jordan taught me patience. The first two books are good, but after being cleaned up, they should be great. That being said, I got a message from Amazon letting me know that a new version of House of Blades is available.
9/6/2013 11:01:02 am
I'll buy him 2 cookies. Then devour them in front of him. He can benefit from the angst for future stories.
9/4/2013 08:23:43 am
Congratz on the 20k mark. I assume that means you will continue to push out awesome reads at a reasonable rate. :D
9/10/2013 02:44:52 am
Well, I pushed out Crimson Vault at an unreasonable rate, but in the future I will try a more reasonable one :)
Kyle W.
9/5/2013 12:05:59 pm
Just finished the crimson vault (probably would have been a lot faster if I hadn't been spending so much time on rome 2 total war). The book was great, I read the majority of it during my hour long lunches at work, which don't really feel like an hour while reading your book! Of course it always works out that my time runs out when I get to the most exciting parts! Then i'm stuck going back to work and waiting until I'm finished to see what happens! Oh the agony!
Kyle Waldmer
9/5/2013 12:07:31 pm
P.S. League of Legends is for sissies. When your ready for a real man's MOBA come over and play some dota 2 =P
9/7/2013 03:56:06 am
dota 2 looks better but its engine is way worse. 9/10/2013 02:47:04 am
You know, I played quite a bit of the original DoTA map back in the day, and--in my opinion--League of Legends reproduced that feeling first and best.
9/7/2013 06:59:03 am
Hi, first of all congratulations on your success. You and your book deserves it. Its been a while that I really enjoyed a fantasy book. I have a question though. How much are you inspired by Japanese manga?
J. Moore
9/7/2013 09:56:35 am
Grats Will. Just finished the 2nd book (took me long enough but I've been busy and sick) and I have to say it was excellent. You deserve the success you have and more!
9/10/2013 02:42:36 am
Oh man, the thought of inspiring someone to reenact Star Trek is really more of an impetus than a deterrent.
9/11/2013 04:36:22 pm
NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! You can't, Will I'm begging you. Kill Simon, kill Leah, kill Indirial, kill the whole world, just don't kill Kai(and the bears of course. They too must survive, to create a new generation of awesomeness). 9/8/2013 04:41:11 pm
20K in three months is truly incredible! Holy guacamole! My book came out about a week before yours, and it has barely broken 200.
9/10/2013 02:41:40 am
You know, honestly, those are the kind of results I was expecting to have when I first released House of Blades. What's happened since then has been truly mind-boggling. My mind is boggled.
9/10/2013 08:49:00 am
Thanks for the well wishes. Here's to your continued success, and congratulations!
9/9/2013 04:00:35 pm
I would love to play league with you and I love your books add me and make sure it is spelled right ifinitepower.
9/10/2013 02:38:38 am
I see that you like to ADC in solo queue, and I just happen to main support.
10/27/2013 12:53:51 pm
Will!!! I know this is an outdated thread but pleasee!!! Play league with me!!! 10/29/2013 03:39:22 am
Friend request sent, Galdeon.
12/18/2016 04:28:26 pm
psssttttttttt..............this comment thread is not outdated.............. Leave a Reply. |
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