Just in case you hadn't heard about this yet, the audiobook version of House of Blades is available now on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes!
People ask me for an audiobook more than almost anything else, and honestly I expected to have finished House of Blades last summer. But I put it on the back burner to get OSAS out on time, and here it is! Only a year later! Future audiobooks won't take so long. But I'm waiting to begin Crimson Vault for the time being, because I want to see how HoB sells, and get a little bit of reader feedback. Speaking of which, if you do listen to the audiobook, feel free to leave a review... http://www.audible.com/pd/Sci-Fi-Fantasy/House-of-Blades-Audiobook/B00ZGW7B4U
You know, it's very difficult to write two books at once. One might even say...twice as hard.
I knew it would be hard, but man, it's a real killer. I have to keep all the detailed events and little character traits consistent within both parallel books, so I'm constantly looking at everything from twelve different angles to make sure I didn't miss anything. Not only that, but because all of the flashbacks happen before the current timeline in book(s) one, I have to make sure that every little thing that happens in flashback is consistent with what we see in the present. It's tough. If I were to write all of the Elder Empire books at once, it would have been way easier to write the flashbacks first, and then simply move on to the main storylines. But even then, keeping Calder and Shera's storylines parallel, but intersecting just enough, and yet distinct enough so that they feel like two different stories... I would say that I've bitten off more than I can chew, but I can chew a lot! Seriously, too much. It's disgusting. Anyway, the books are absorbing most of my attention these days, but there's more than that going on. First, I just ordered the first physical copies of Of Sea and Shadow and Of Shadow and Sea! That's the last step before I upload them to Amazon for sale, so assuming that nothing goes wrong, they'll be available very soon! And I'm still working on the House of Blades audiobook, as I announced last time. I have no idea how long that takes, having never put up an audiobook before, but we'll learn together. Now, for both of you who have read this far in the blog, I have a question. I'm expecting Dawn / Darkness to be out this summer, but I'm still early enough in the process that I can include a few little Easter eggs. If enough people agree on what to put in, I can hide some little inside jokes or references in the second book that only those of us savvy enough to follow the blog will catch. So, back to that question: any suggestions? Any little lines, suggestions, or cameo references I can/should make in ODAD? Let me know in the comments! Hey, all! I know it's been quiet from me for the past few weeks, and partially that's because I wanted to leave the Valin scene up so everyone got a chance to see it. But also, I've been keeping busy!
Here's what's up in Will World. First of all, some of you may be glad to know that the House of Blades audiobook is back on track. I started it last summer expecting to have it out by the fall, but I ended up having to stop recording so that I could focus on OSAS. Now I'm recording again, looking to finish it as fast as I can. So if that's something you're waiting on, it shouldn't be too much longer! Speaking of waiting, there's another project making progress 'round these parts: the Shadow/Sea paperbacks! I proofed a digital copy of the Sea layout this morning, which means that the physical books are only a few weeks away. And, because you know I like to rush books out as fast as humanly possible, I'm hard at work on the Elder Empire sequels: Of Dawn and Darkness / Of Darkness and Dawn. With the Empire being torn apart by the warring Guilds, the Elders have started making trouble. Shera and Calder both look for help...but they turn to opposing Guilds for guidance. Shera goes to the priestly Luminian Order, and Calder seeks out his former allies in the Blackwatch. Release date TBA! ...but it won't be too many months from now. I work hard, not smart. Also, I'll be headed to Boston in a couple of weeks for the legendary PAX East! If you'll be at the convention, let me know, and I'll...say hi, or sign a book, or something. I don't know, I don't plan ahead. But send me an email, or a tweet, or a Facebook message and we'll make something happen! On a side note, if I haven't responded to your blog comment in a timely manner, sorry! The blog notifications have been going to my junk folder instead of my inbox, so several of them have slipped through the cracks. That's all the news that's fit to print, ladies and gentlemen. As always, thanks for reading! -Will It's been two weeks since my meeting in Seattle, and it's been quiet on the blog front since then. I thought I'd catch you up on what's going on in my world.
Believe it or not, there's a lot. First of all, I did start recording the House of Blades audiobook last week. I don't know when it's going to be up, because I don't know how long the recording process will take, but I expect it out this summer. Also last week, I uploaded the City of Light paperback edition. However, Amazon hasn't quite merged the sites yet, so if you're interested in a physical copy of CoL, you can grab it from this link. Soon, I hope, it will be available on the normal CoL page. But I was hoping it would be up by now, so you see what blind hope gets you. I'm also working on getting the new House of Blades made into paperback. If you buy a physical copy of HoB right now, it's still the old version with the not-quite-as-interesting opening. So I'm trying to get that version updated. In the meantime, I've started working on my new series: Of Sea and Shadow. |
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August 2024
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